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Showing posts from January, 2015

Project Life: Harry Potter Birthday Dinner

(The Heathers)  My friend from work had a Harry Potter themed birthday dinner at Citywalk Orlando's Cowfish. Which is a sushi and Burger fusion restaurant. And it was delicious. First of all my out fit was A Slytherin Robe because Slytherins are the best house. With a Slytherin green tank top. I wore a death eater scarf because it was cold that night but I don't think its in any of my photos. A moon necklace and black heel sneakers.                                             We had a lot of fun at Cowfish and actually took up and entire room. If you haven't eaten there or if you think it is a weird concept just go a try it. It truly is awesome. You won't regret and if you do then I am sorry I told you to go but you won't regret so then just thank me now. And you're right. You won't be cooler than me and my friends.

Lush Splurge

Before christmas I bought some cosmetic products from a British company called boots. And my face broke out. I think I might of been allergic to the products. I decided to go with the natural products. I've never done that before. So I went to LUSH and bought some products. And I absolutely love them and I will start buying creams and other products from them. If you click on the titles of the products it will send you to the website link so you can get more information on them and/or purchase them. Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar : You only need to us a little bit and crumble it under the running water to get all the bubbly goodness. You can also crumble the whole bubble bar and it will turn your bath into a pretty colored bubble bath. However I want to use it more than once since I don't have enough money to keep buying a bunch of them. And it smells really good. Especially if you like lavender. Catastrophe Cosmetic Fresh Face Mask : Lush says that this is a Blueberry Packe

Project Life

This year I am planning on a Video and Blog project for the entire year of 2015. It won't be daily or anything life that. There is no set schedule for when I post any blogs or videos. But there will be post all year. I hate how last year I want to post more videos and blogs and just got lazy and didn't. But for my 21st birthday I got a go pro camera and the idea popped into my head so here it is. Project Life will be a documentary type style blog and youtube videos where you get to see all the fun and crazy moments I do with my life. I'm planning to travel and experience new things. If it comes to sky diving or travel or trying new crazy rides or even foods. I want to document it all. Now, I'm still planning out everything and how it will work cause the idea came to me only three days ago. But I am excited to share my life experiences with everyone and to be able to look back at this year.