I went to a wine tasting with my friends at a publix. I know crazy. It was at a publix. If you don't know what Publix is, it's a grocery store. But this was one of those really nice Publix ones. Anyways it was probably one of the best wine tastings I went to. The only argument I have is they needed more whites. Because I'm a white wine drinker and wine tastings always have too much red.
The food was really yummy. I think by now you should all know how much I love food. You got a cheese paired with every wine. Oh did I mention we got to try thirteen wines. Plus we got a plate with grapes, crackers, dates, nuts, olives, salami, and chocolate. This all was the price of $25. I know this really was a good deal. At the end we got a $4.00 off coupon on any of the cheese or wine we got to try that night. I ended up buying two cheeses. A truffle goat cheese and a pumpkin goat cheese.
This best part about it was hanging out with some amazing friends and just having a good time. While also getting a little tipsy. Did I mention we got to eat a lot of cheese. I love cheese. Now I'm going to go eat some of my goat cheese I bought. And yes this was all at a publix!
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