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Showing posts from March, 2014

MegaCon 2014- Sunday

My outfit for sunday was just simple and easy but still showed my nerdy side. I wore two things that bought on Friday at MegaCon. I got this super cute Marvel tank top at one of the booths. Which if I can figure out the name of that booth I will let you know. I also wore this really cute bow in my hair that has all comic book words. For example, it says Pow! Bam! I love it so much! In the photo above I have my cat ears I bought which is explained below. And I just work flip flops and jean shorts. I also wore my hair in a big top knot so I can show case my fabulous bow! I met Yaya Han and got some little pink kitty ears from her booth! Which are so cute and I wish I could wear them everyday! My friend Annika also bought some cat ears as well and that is us below taking a selfie with them on! Cute right? I am also just going to add some photos below from the convention on Sunday! Go to  to see all the cool and nerdy things that I bo

MegaCon 2014 - Friday

I went to MegaCon on Friday and I wanted to share my outfit with you! If you don't know what MegaCon is heres just the easiest way to put it: It's a convention in Orlando that is anything and everything nerdy. So basically all randoms of anything are welcome to go. Cosplay is big here but sadly I didn't make anything so this is what I put together. I am a huge Harry Potter fan and my Hogwarts house is Slytherin! Can I get a hell yes from all my fellow Slytherins reading this post!? Anyways this is a full photo of my outfit. I was going for kind of a modern day Hogwarts student. What would a Slytherin student wear to class or to the great hall in 2014? So this is what I came up with! I am hearing a Slytherin shirt with a black and white skirt. Slytherin knee high socks and black heel sneakers. With a Slytherin bag (That had my wand in it). Since I was going to be walking around all day I wanted my hair kind of out of my face. So, I decided to do a half up, ha

At Home Spa

The Spa is expensive and not everyone has the time and money to treat yourself to a nice relaxing spa day. But here are some at home spa treatments that you can make with items you can find in your kitchen. Good Luck!

Spring Break Beach Party

Hey everyone! It's spring break for most of you or it will be soon! If you are not going on vacation don't worry, throw your own beach party in your house!! Here is some inspiration I found on a lovely little site called Pinterest (incase you haven't heard of it). You can go to party city or even the dollar store to buy beach themed decorations for your house. Thing like beach balls, buckets, fake palm trees, pool toys, etc. Be creative! It's your party and your spring break, make your stay-cation as fun as you want it to be! Also, try and fine some beach music to play or just buy a beach boys cd! When you lay out the food be creative. You can use any beach toys and put food in or around it. Get fun and decorative plates and cups. The beach is always great for mix-matching so don't be afraid to do that with your plates and food layout. Try and find some beach themed foods, like fruits, veggies, sandwiches, anything you would pack with you or buy at t