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Worrying doesn't take away tomorrows troubles, It takes away todays peace

I have been worrying over little things that in the big picture it really isn't worth worrying about. When did I start doing this? I'm not some one who really worries to much about what people think or work or guys or anything.  I need to try and figure out how to change this because being stressed out starts in the mind and it all goes down to you.

I'm going to take a few steps back and reflect on whats happened. There has been some work drama and I cut two people out of my life who were bringing my positivity down to a level I didn't like. I was close with them but I can't have people in my life who stress me out more than having fun. If you have people like this in your life I recommend cutting them out of your life or at least taking a break from seeing them for awhile. 

I am right now transitioning over to a new position at my job in a new area that isn't open yet. It's been kind of stressful because my hours have been cut back and no one really knows what is happening at the moment. I like having a plan and knowing what is happening and this is stressing me out. Right now there isn't a way to fix this. I just need to not worry and go with the flow. Try not to worry because soon it will all come together and everything will be fine.

Now with guys, there is always problems. I'm just going to take myself out of the negativity with the situations I have right now. I found a quote I really liked and suited my problem with a guy I've been talking to recently. Be strong enough to let go and wise enough to wait for what you deserve. Now this quote can really go with anything that's happening in your life. I feel like we all have this idea planted in our heads from a young age of how our life's need to turn out. But this just makes us stress out and worry and brings a negativity in to your life. What ever you choose to do make sure it's what makes you happy. 

Sorry that this was a little different from other posts but I needed to write this out for me to reflect on. Hopefully, this post might help you out as well as myself. I like being a positive happy person and don't let anything or anyone change that.


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