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Disney's Hollywood Studios: A Galaxy Far, Far Way show review

The worst part about this show is standing right in the sun in the boiling heat. There is no shade the stand under and there is also no where to sit. Which at first I was thinking it will be worth it because it should be a really cool Star Wars show. But don't be fooled that just because its Disney and Star Wars that it is going to be amazing.

.......Because it wasn't amazing at all.

Now the show at the main screen in the middle that they use for backgrounds when the characters came out and then two screens on the side which showed clips from all the movies. Now it mostly clips from the movies and voice overs of the cool inspiring speeches said in the movies. Followed by cool action clips. Then a character will come up out for about 30 seconds and say lines from the movie and then walk off the stage for you to watch more movie clips and then another character walks out for 30 seconds, etc. etc.

If there is other stuff you would like to do at Hollywood Studios you should honestly choose that over this show. I mean it was a waste of time and a waste of a sunburn. I wouldn't recommend anyone to waster there time on vacation waiting to see this show when you could of waited in line for a ride instead. I am very disappointed in Disney for this show. You can tell just threw it together really fast and just wanted to bring in more Star Wars fans since half of the park is closed for new attractions.

I give this show 1 out of 5 stars


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