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Blue Apron Review

One of my friends had a free delivery of Blue Apron to send for a friend to try out. I have recently become vegetarian and I thought it would be cool to try this out because they have a vegetarian option for the deliveries. However, this review has positive and negatives about Blue Apron. I will say now it is very expensive to keep doing every week it comes to about $60 a week for three meals for two people. Which I guess isn't too bad but it does add up. And i found I didn't always like all three options they were offering. You can skip weeks but I ended up canceling because I just didn't want to spend the money and only a few times I like all three menu items. I think it is a really great idea if you are home at night a lot to cook and eat but I am either at work, out with my family, or staying at my boyfriends house. So for me this weekly box plan was just not right for me. But let's go into more detail on the box I got delivered. 

Here is everything they sent me for my three meals. It got delivered on a Friday and it comes in a big box that has these like freezer packs in them to keep the food cool. Everything comes packaged and labeled and most things were measured already. Which was nice and very helpful. For the smaller items they were in brown paper bags labeled for the dish they belong to. I was really excited when I saw this and I couldnt' wait to start cooking.

The first dish was a salad and it did take a lot longer than I thought it would. The prep time for this took a very long time. I also noticed when I was chopping my lettuce the top of it was already going off. Which was sad and I will get into that more later. But all the cutting for the prep took the longest for me personally. Some people might be able to do this faster. Once everything was cut and ready to start making the dish I had to cook the onions and potatoes.

This part excited me because they measure out the sugar and then I had to measure out the red wine vinegar but I got to make pickled onions for the first time. They came out really nice and I felt a since of accomplishment making them. I think thats the best part of Blue Apron is cooking something you would never think to make or that you could make and have it come out and taste really good too. The potatoes cooked next time them in a pot of boiling water and then I had the baguette in the oven toasting with olive oil on it.

I made the salad dressing from scratch too and then they gave me a thing of goat cheese for the baguette and that was something that should of been simple (but wasn't simple) and I could say I made it all myself. Now this wasn't my favorite thing they dressing ended up being to vinegary for me. But it was an okay start for Blue Apron

Dish two I had some help from my mom prepping everything to get it done faster. (She's a way better cook than I am). This is a gnocchi dish that had summer squash and almonds in it. The prep went easier with my moms help but to me the prepping was also simpler than the salad prep. 

Cooking was easier too. All I did was brown the butter, Boil the gnocchi, and cook the almonds and squash together. Once everything was cooked you throw them all in the pain and let the flavors all combine and added creme fresh to it.

This is the finishing product. Now this dish was really good and my favorite out of the two.  Yes that's right I said two. By time time I tried to make the third dish most of the produce was already bad. Which is sad since it should of been fresh and it wasn't even a full week yet when it went off. I just felt like the produce could of been more fresh for the amount of money I would of spent on it. Now this was free from my friend but I honestly wouldn't of paid to do this. For me I am too busy and for $60 to have the produce start going bad after 2-3 days is bad on their part. I do understand why some people like it but for me this is something I probably wouldn't do again.

I would love to hear your feed back! Write in the comments below about your experience with Blue Apron. Do you think it's worth the money? Did you find the produce fresh or did it go off quick like mine did? Or just let me know if you want more feedback about my experience and I will reply to all comments.


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