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Review: Power Rangers Movie \\ Geek Up Your Life

I recently just saw the new Power Rangers movie and I thought about talking it out and saying my opinions about it on here. I will start out right now saying I loved it! I can't wait for the next five movies (and yes there is apparently five more movies to come). Now this blog will have spoilers in it. PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVENT SEEN THE MOVIE YET.
My inner child was so excited to see this new version of Power Rangers. I was always a fan of the series (well the Mighty Morphin series and movie). The fact that they kept the orginal names gave me such excitement. Now if you've seen the first episode of the orginal series that is the storyline for this movie. Now what's crazy is the first tv episode is 20 minutes and this movie is two hours. But it ties loose ends. I highly reccomend watching the first Mighty Morphin episode either before or after seeing the movie. It's fun to compare the two and how it's nice that the movie has more detail on how and why they become the Power Rangers. You also get Rita Repulsa's back story on why she wants they crystals and why she wants to destroy the Rangers.
I love the opening scene and how it starts out with the Rangers saving the crystal from Rita and how they made her a Power Ranger. You get to see Zordon as the Red Ranger and kind of explains to why the Zords are Dinosour themed. I don't want to give away the whole opening scene but it was awesome and made me really happy to get a back story on Rita and Zordon.
Now the five Rangers I really loved their personalities they created for them to make them a little more relatable for everyone. I know some of you might be wondering my opinion about the LGBT and  autistic characters in the movie. I personally think Billy was the best part of the movie. I feel like if he wasn't the way he was the movie wouldn't of worked. If you didn't like Billy then I feel like there's something wrong with you. Also the smallest little LGBT moment that didn't actually confirm or deny wasn't even relevent to the story line. So any one who is making any kind of big deal about that part is crazy. There was nothing in that scene that would of made anyone in the audience feel uncomfortable. But anyways, the other three rangers were very good too. Blue Ranger is the winner for me and I never thought I would say the Blue Ranger is my favorite because I also loved the Pink Ranger growing up.
 The end fight scene made me scream a little bit when they had the shot from the old tv show with the zords running and the orginal Power Rangers song playing. Anyone who was a fan of the tv show had to atleast apprciate that shot in the movie or you weren't a true Power Rangers fan.
Make sure you stay and watch the end credit scene to just make your childhood self more excited for the sequel. I honestly can't wait to see Tommy! Also, who do you think should play him? There is a rumor going around that the cast wants Tommy to be a girl. What are yout thoughts about the Green Ranger being a girl? Would you like the gender bend role or do you want them to stay true to the show and be a man playing Tommy?


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