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New Years: 2016

It's a new year and of course everyone has things they want to change. Always fitness and health is at the top. And then everyone has other little things they add for them selves. Starting with health and fitness, I have been working on this for a few years now. I know people want results right away but taking it slow and really committing to the life style change I feel is the best way for me.

Healthy Eating: I feel is easiest if you take small steps and not leaping into a huge no sugar no carb no this and not that diet. About 8 years ago I decided to cut out soda. That was it. Which I still haven't had since that day 8 years ago. I never crave it or want it anymore. Which I think helped me getting in a healthier path. Just by cutting out soda. Now I'm not saying you have to cut out soda. But find that one thing that you have a lot but you don't necessarily need to survive. Cut it out. Through these 8 years my whole life style in food is different.
I crave soups and salads. Fried foods don't appeal to me as much as they use to. Also, when I eat fried food it upsets my stomach now. Diets are also just a horrible word and I felt like diet seems short termed. If you change for your health to create a better life style choice for you. That's the best way to look at it.
Healthy Body: I am the worlds worst at moisturizing and cleaning and taking care of my face. The only thing I do best is sunblock because I'm so pale and will burn. Keeping up with my health on the outside of my body is just as important as the food I am putting in my body.
Fitness: I can't help too much because this year that is the part of my life I need to fix the most. As well as drinking 6-8 glasses of water every day. My goal is to go to the gym at least 2-3 times a week and by the end of they year to enjoy doing it. Being fit (to me) seems like a very important aspect in life to live long and healthy. I sometimes see elder people who can barely walk on their own and move slow and I don't want to end up that way. Fitness will help making me look good now but in the end the benefits pay off for when I'm 80 years old and still able to be active.

Got little things in my life I want to fix for 2016 as well: Stay positive more, stress less, travel more, enjoy the little things in life, and don't let work consume my personal life, and don't over think about spending money (do the fun things). These are almost fall into the same category. Which is work. Money, stress, and travel all go down to how work is. Lately, I have been in negative and stressed with work and it follows me into my personal life. I don't like being so negative. I know for 2016 I need to work on keeping positive even when work is horrible.

So I hope these health and fitness tips help as well as inspire any of you who couldn't think of any new years resolutions. I hope everyone had a great 2015 and an even better 2016. Make sure you check out all my social medias and my youtube channel. Subscribe there and follow my blog.

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