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Showing posts from 2014

90's Holiday Work Party Look

Last week I went to my holiday party at work. Now I wanted to be covered up since my mangers were all there. But I also wanted to look trendy and nice since most people don't see me outside of the uniform at work. Right now I am loving the retro 90's look. I think the 90's fashion is great. I mean one of my fashion icons is Cher from Clueless. I hope this outfit inspires you for a 90's party look. This look is also perfect for a girls night out or just hanging out at the bar with your friends. Hat: H&M Purse: Juicy Couture  Dress: Forever 21 Boots: Shoeland Jacket: Heavenly Couture  I did a slight red lip and natural looking make up. I never really wear make up so I always go for the more natural look. Like the photo above. Don't forget to have fun and take tons of selfies with your friends from work. And if you're brave like me photobomb as many photos as you can. I even photobombed all my mangers photos.

Harley Quinn Costume/Cosplay

Now I know most Cosplays are made by yourself but I can't make anything. I got this dress from Hot Topic. Also the accessories too. I do have gloves and you'll see them in the pictures below from halloween. I had two hair bows that were black and red in my hair and I'm wearing the Harley Quinn chocker necklace too. Now you can't see my shoes but I wore one black heel and one red heel to match the whole outfit. Here's me again at Howl at the Moon with a friend so you can see me outfit. I should of taken a picture of my make up but I might do a video showing how I did it. I did black and red eye shadow and of course a bright red lip. In this picture you can see my gloves. I had one black and one red glove. I also used this betsey johnson bag that had skulls all over it that went over my shoulder so I always had my stuff with me. This Harley Quinn outfit is super comfy and really cute. It's so easy to do and you can use it for halloween or con

21st Birthday Outfit

I turned 21 two weeks ago and had a birthday with my brother at our local pub we hang out at. Here's where I got all the items I'm wearing. Hat: H&M Dress: Forever 21 Necklace: Macy's Vest: A boutique in California Combat Boots: Shoe Land

Skinny Spaghetti Squash Alfredo

This is so delicious and really good if you're a vegetarian. It's also a nice meal to have if you are trying to be healthy. I love pasta so much and this is a greta alternative for pasta and it taste amazing. INGREDIENTS: 1 medium-sized spaghetti squash 1 Tablespoon butter 3 cloves of garlic, finely minced 2 Tablespoons flour 1 cup milk (I used fat-free) 1 Tablespoon cream cheese or Neufchatel cheese 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese, plus 2 Tablespoons extra for topping 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper Crushed red pepper flakes and fresh parsley, for optional garnish DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. First, prep the squash. Cut spaghetti squash in half using a large sharp knife, scoop out the seeds and place cut side down on a rimmed baking sheet covered with water. Bake until tender, about an hour. As an alternate way of baking:  Poke a few holes deep into the whole squash with a paring knife.

New Hair, New Me

They say when a girl changes her hair something drastic has happened to them in their life. I feel we do it for a change. When something big happens you need to show it. I have been so busy and had a lot of things change and happen to me in the past few weeks. That I decided to cut my hair and do something different with it. I was scared to do it because I have had long hair for a while now. My hair is like a safety blanket and cutting it off was a big decision but I felt like it was something I needed to do.  I'm ready for a fresh start and my hair was the first step. Things are looking brighter and better. Make sure to follow me on instagram @jessyjen for #100happydays because you can make your own happiness by finding a positive in everyday. Even the worse days have something positive in them. #makeyourownhappiness

Diagon Alley

So I went to Diagon Alley and here are a few pictures for you to see! It is so amazing and so much fun and you could literally spend hours in there. I recommend buying one of the interactive wands because it is so much fun walking around Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade casting spells! Don't get me started on Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts. You just have to ride it and see how awesome it is yourself. Butterbeer Ice cream is obviously a must have but my personal favorite is the earl grey and lavender ice cream. I know it may sound weird but at least have a taste test of it.  Specialty Chicken Sandwich, Tongue Tying Lemon Squash, and a Sticky Toffee Pudding is my order at The Leaky Cauldron in case you were wondering.   If you are a huge Harry Potter fan like myself walking into the land alone makes you feel like you just walked into the movie and you almost want to cry at how amazing it all is. I will try and make a video series on Diagon Alley, ma

More fashion and life style posts soon

I am sorry I have not been posted much lately. I have been super busy with work and I have been sick. But looking back at an older post where I talked about how stressed and negative I was. It's so nice to see how positive and happy I am right now. I got another promotion at work which is fantastic. It's so great to see the managers see the hard work I do and reward me for it. I've only been at this job for five months and have moved up twice. I'm so excited to start being train in my new role at work and I promise I will soon be posting more. I have also been sick. Which his not fun at all. I have been trying to get rid of it but for some reason it is staying.  I am still active and working and won't let this cold affect my personal life. I also have a boyfriend. It has been a little bumpy but he makes me so happy. He's such a sweetheart but he's a little mean. But in a good way. No one wants someone who's too sweet. I know I'm not the sweetes

Summer Songs

The new big summer singles are already starting to come and most of them are extremely catchy and you can't help but roll your windows down and sing along!! Here are some of my top picks to have on your summer pool side playlist! (This might change later on in the summer so make sure to check back!) 1. Problem by Ariana Grande 2. Fancy by Iggy Azalea 3. Rude by MAGIC! 4. Birthday by Katy Perry 5. Sing by Ed Sheeran 6. Love Runs Out by OneRepublic 7. Classic by MKTO 8. She Looks So Perfect by 5 Seconds of Summer 9. Latch by Disclosure 10. Am I Wrong by Nico & Vinz BONUS: Love Never Felt So Good by Michael Jackson & Justin Timberlake Remember these are just my top picks for the summer! What are yours? Let me know because I love music and love hearing about new artist!

Summer Tropics Outfit

So to me this is the start of summer here in Orlando. It's the quite season where all the locals start to do some of the summer things before all the tourist get here. I love this tropical top because it is light and summery but it also has spring pastel colors in it. I just tucked into my favorite pair of jean shorts and used a mint bag that matched the top. I wore nude flip flops since it has a lot of color in the top. Top: Forever 21 Shorts: Aeropostal  Purse: Pacsun Flip Flops: Payless Sunglasses: Claire's Bow: Claire's

Worrying doesn't take away tomorrows troubles, It takes away todays peace

I have been worrying over little things that in the big picture it really isn't worth worrying about. When did I start doing this? I'm not some one who really worries to much about what people think or work or guys or anything.  I need to try and figure out how to change this because being stressed out starts in the mind and it all goes down to you. I'm going to take a few steps back and reflect on whats happened. There has been some work drama and I cut two people out of my life who were bringing my positivity down to a level I didn't like. I was close with them but I can't have people in my life who stress me out more than having fun. If you have people like this in your life I recommend cutting them out of your life or at least taking a break from seeing them for awhile.  I am right now transitioning over to a new position at my job in a new area that isn't open yet. It's been kind of stressful because my hours have been cut back and no one really kno

90's Party Look

So I went to a 90's party and I really loved my outfit and thought I would share it with all of you! I would actually wear this out on a normal day. It has a 90's feel but it is still an everyday outfit for todays fashion. Pink Polka Dot Crop Top: Forever 21 Overalls: Forever 21 Shoes: Keds Scrunchie: Claire's I did my hair in a side pony tail and this is just a close up photo so you can see my polka dot top. I went for the really fun, playful and girly style from the 90's. I always like the pink rangers fashion when she wasn't in her mighty morphin outfit. So I kind of went for look. It's really fun to bring back some older fashions but still making it your own to work in todays life style. I hope this inspires your inner 90's kid to come out.

Easy Everyday Work Out

If you are busy and don't have time to go to the gym here is something easy you can do everyday. I'm so bad at going to them gym because I work 5 days a week. I don't want to go to the gym when I work and why would I want to go to the gym on my day off? But I do these when I wake up or come home from work. Sometimes I do these twice a day. Work out: 1. Stretch any kind of stretching that is best for you. I did dance and baton so I stretch the way I would if I was about to go dance. You can even do yoga stretches. 2. 100 crunches   saying 100 looks a little scary but you can split it up 50 now and 50 at the end. But when you do the crunches 100 goes by pretty fast. I sometimes add an extra 100. When it's your you-know-what week I just do 50 cause I always have bad cramps. 3. 25-50 Push Ups  I'm so weak in my arms. I am so bad a push ups. All my strength is in my legs from baton and dance. I'm on my feet all day at my job running around doing stuff. So I t

Protein Pancakes

Protein pancakes are the easiest to make. Easier than actual pancakes! I know it sounds weird but it is so yummy and you can also jazz them up if you want. Here are the two ingredients you need. You need: 1 Large Banana 2 Eggs I blend them together with my blender but you can do it however you'd like! You just cook them in a pan like you would pancakes and then you just serve it how ever you want. They just taste like banana pancakes. This morning I melted some nutella to put on top because I didn't have any syrup and I also added some blueberries on top. It is so delicious and good for you. Crazy right? Pancakes being good for you? These ones are and trust me you have to try them. They are so easy and delicious and you probably have bananas and eggs in your house. So make them now! Right Now! Yummy!

Desk Tour

This is my desk at home. I thought it would be nice to show you everything I have for my little work space! I forgot to put in my video that the deck is from Ikea (like the rest of my room furniture). Hope this inspires you to have a fun and creative desk. Who wants a boring brown desk anyways!?

Spring Cleaning (For Your Body)

Everyone does spring cleaning for their house but what we really need is to clean out our bodies! I am going to detox my body and spring clean with healthy eating habits. Everyone needs to take care of their bodies inside and out. Here are some things you can do. 1. Buy groceries on Sunday and prep meals and smoothie mixes on Sunday night. If you prep all of your healthy choice for the week it is easier to actually do it. 2. Go to the gym or just go out for the day with friends and be active. I work in a theme park so I will start walking around the parks after work for my work out. Try to work out with a friend it's easier than working out alone. 3. Sleep! Don't forget to get all that beauty sleep. It doesn't just make you look pretty but it's good for your health. 4. Cut out fast food and soda. As easy as it is to just go to a fast food chain and eat it is very unhealthy. That goes back to number 1 where you prep your food at the beginning of the week so y

MegaCon 2014- Sunday

My outfit for sunday was just simple and easy but still showed my nerdy side. I wore two things that bought on Friday at MegaCon. I got this super cute Marvel tank top at one of the booths. Which if I can figure out the name of that booth I will let you know. I also wore this really cute bow in my hair that has all comic book words. For example, it says Pow! Bam! I love it so much! In the photo above I have my cat ears I bought which is explained below. And I just work flip flops and jean shorts. I also wore my hair in a big top knot so I can show case my fabulous bow! I met Yaya Han and got some little pink kitty ears from her booth! Which are so cute and I wish I could wear them everyday! My friend Annika also bought some cat ears as well and that is us below taking a selfie with them on! Cute right? I am also just going to add some photos below from the convention on Sunday! Go to  to see all the cool and nerdy things that I bo

MegaCon 2014 - Friday

I went to MegaCon on Friday and I wanted to share my outfit with you! If you don't know what MegaCon is heres just the easiest way to put it: It's a convention in Orlando that is anything and everything nerdy. So basically all randoms of anything are welcome to go. Cosplay is big here but sadly I didn't make anything so this is what I put together. I am a huge Harry Potter fan and my Hogwarts house is Slytherin! Can I get a hell yes from all my fellow Slytherins reading this post!? Anyways this is a full photo of my outfit. I was going for kind of a modern day Hogwarts student. What would a Slytherin student wear to class or to the great hall in 2014? So this is what I came up with! I am hearing a Slytherin shirt with a black and white skirt. Slytherin knee high socks and black heel sneakers. With a Slytherin bag (That had my wand in it). Since I was going to be walking around all day I wanted my hair kind of out of my face. So, I decided to do a half up, ha

At Home Spa

The Spa is expensive and not everyone has the time and money to treat yourself to a nice relaxing spa day. But here are some at home spa treatments that you can make with items you can find in your kitchen. Good Luck!

Spring Break Beach Party

Hey everyone! It's spring break for most of you or it will be soon! If you are not going on vacation don't worry, throw your own beach party in your house!! Here is some inspiration I found on a lovely little site called Pinterest (incase you haven't heard of it). You can go to party city or even the dollar store to buy beach themed decorations for your house. Thing like beach balls, buckets, fake palm trees, pool toys, etc. Be creative! It's your party and your spring break, make your stay-cation as fun as you want it to be! Also, try and fine some beach music to play or just buy a beach boys cd! When you lay out the food be creative. You can use any beach toys and put food in or around it. Get fun and decorative plates and cups. The beach is always great for mix-matching so don't be afraid to do that with your plates and food layout. Try and find some beach themed foods, like fruits, veggies, sandwiches, anything you would pack with you or buy at t

Room Tour

I really love how my room turned out and I wanted to of a little in-depth  blog post about how I did the decor and furniture and what-not. It is a girly room and the color scheme is black, white, and pink. Which I've always been a fan of black and white rooms with a featured color in the mix. So here are some pictures of my room.  I won't list where I of everything but I will list some items. This is just a little chair for when I read or watch some tv. It's great because it actually turns into a single bed. It is perfect for sleep overs because my friend can sit on the chair and then we can turn into a bed so they can sleep on it.  Fun pillows are the best pillows so I have love, lips, and a pillow pet. As well as my Pikachu and mini tinker bell pillow. I really love my lamp with the different shades of pink and my picture frame has pictures from my many years of baton twirling. Marie Pillow Pet: Disneyland  Lip Pillow: Ikea Pikachu: Dave & Busters prize

February Update

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines Day! I had a nice time at orientation for my new job and then had a personal night for myself and watched movies and did my nails. Sometimes you just need to have one of those days. I have been so busy training for my new job that I just haven't had anytime to post on here or make a video. I did however make my first official lookbook on Valentines looks. Which is what these pictures are from. If you haven't already please check it out my brother and I worked hard on it. New videos will be up soon as well as blog posts on here! Check out my Facebook like page and twitter for my updates and posts. Good News Everyone! I got my very first car on Monday! It is a white 2011 Kia Soul and I love very much. I need to buy some things to make it more me. Once I get everything I will either do a Whats in my car video on my youtube channel or just do a blog post with pictures and going into more detail. Unless some of you wo

Valentines Lookbook

Flirty Valentine Eyes

American Horror Story: Coven

I really like Coven and the season finale was great tying in everything from the whole season. Finally finding out who the supreme is. People died or should I say witches died during the seven wonders and it was sad and happy. I was satisfied with the ending. I do feel Asylum was the better season for I found it scarier, but Coven actually had a better story line and didn't leave you hanging on unexplained plot points. I don't want to give anything away in the episode in case some of you haven't seen it yet. But since this is a fashion blog I wanted to say how much I loved the fashion on Coven. Black is always in and it worked in everyones favor. I have to say that Madison (played by Emma Roberts) had the best wardrobe as you can see in the above picture. I would like to try and have some inspired looks from Coven, I don't know if anyone would be interested in that or not so let me know! If you don't watch American Horror Story the first two seasons ca

Polaroid Pin Board

Hey girlies! How cute is my pin board? I've been trying to figure out what I wanted to put up on it and then I went to the ball and found the Polaroid Fotobar! Where you can print pictures from your social media sites or from a camera and print them out to look like Polariods. You can also do effects and write on them. It's a really cool place and if there's one near you, you should go and check it out! I also have a little spot for coupons, so I know where they are. I thought it would be cute to put clothes tags of the brands/stores I like on here as well. The black string is actually elastic so it holds everything in place. The only down side is the board isn't made to put tacos in it. But I love it and I think when I get some more money will get more pictures done. Board: Ikea (Kids section) Pictures: Polaroid Fotobar Clothing Tags: Betsey Johnson, Princess Vera Wang, and Forever 21